Spring Break Travel Tips

Spring Break Travel Tips

We’re about 3/4 of the way into our long drive to South Beach today and I was thinking about some travel items I love and tips around healthy travel so, thought I'd share! We are actually staying somewhere that doesn't have a kitchen. That means we will have to eat every meal out.  Honestly, this makes me a little nervous because my body gets tired of eating out real quick!

Here are a few things that I made sure to pack/do that help keep my digestive system healthy and 'running smoothly'. And, I don't feel like I am missing out on anything!

  • Pack some healthy snacks for the road and to keep in the room: mixed nuts, apple, granola, Siete chips, nut butter
  • Bring my travel blender and protein powder to make shakes
  • Sparkling water + Ultima for a sweet and yummy drink on the beach
  • Lily's Sea Salt and Dark Chocolate bar for after dinner sweet
  • Collagen + Acacia Fiber for my morning coffee
  • All of my usual supplements to keep my immune system healthy
  • Extra Terrazyme and Digestzen Softgels.  I take these before I eat so that I don't feel bad after eating things that are more rich
  • Natural Calm to drink every night to keep things moving
  • A few Wine Wands so that I can enjoy a class of wine without the side effects
  • A mat to be sure I get a quick workout in most days

Do you have healthy travel tips? I want to know! Share them here!

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Written by Julie Davey

With 20 years of experience in the healthcare industry Julie has helped hundreds of overwhelmed people transform their lives by healing their bodies with natural medicine.

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